
40.00USD 20.00USD

Package Description

Legend Rank
Legend Prefix
Colored name in Tab List
10 Sethomes
10,000 Claimblocks
Custom Chat Colors
Sign Colors
Edit Signs via /es
Reset your sleep counter without a bed via /sleep
Ability to rent a Shop Plot
Always join the server, even if it's full

/warp End
/warp EndFarm



Use /kit Legend
35 SwanCrate Keys
20 Shulker Shells

Weekly Kit
Use /kit kitLegend
4 Swan Feathers
3 Iron Blocks
2 Gold Block

Use your Swan Feathers at /warp TradeMarket to trade in for a variety of items!


Notice: Sethomes do NOT stack with other purchases or ranks.
This package is for 10 sethomes total!