Subscriber - $10

You decide how much to pay.

Package Description

Subscriber Perks

Automatic Chat Color
Change your default chat color from white so you don't have to use color codes.
Grants access to custom colors via the setcolor command.
To set your chat color, do /setcolor and click on a color to change your default chat color.
*Note that black (&0), aqua (&b), and lime (&a) are not available.

Prefix and Tab

Display the Subscriber tag in the tab list
Display a symbol before your prefix in chat.
Use /seticon to choose your symbol in game.
You may choose one from any of the following symbols:


Invisible Item Frames

Make item frames invisible or make them glow! With colors!



Makes maparts flush with blocks.
Glow colors do not work on maparts.

/ITF - Basic command to show usage/help
/ITF Toggle Visibility/Glow [Glow Color]  
Toggle the visibility/glow of Item Frames
/ITF ToggleMode Visibility/Glow [Glow Color] - Toggle the editing mode where you can right-click Item Frames to toggle their visibility or glow color.
/ITF Scan [Radius] - Scan for item frames in a radius around you and spawn particles at them for 6 seconds

Search Nearby Chests 

Search all chests within a maximum 5 chunk radius for a specific item.  
Useful for when you lose track of something!
This tool will not be able to look up custom named items. You can only search minecraft item names.
Turn on advanced tooltips to see item names by using F3+H
/searchchest [item] [#]
/searchcontainer [item] [#]
Example: /searchchest red_wool 3

Rideable Mobs

You will be able to ride and control the following mobs:
Polar Bear
Zombie Horse
Iron Golem

*Note:  Only dolphins are rideable in water.


Access to 80+ particles with 30+ different styles of trails
Display up to 3 different trails at a time!
Examples of trail styles and particles can be seen on the Trail of Trails.
/warp Trails

Discord Role

Get the Subscriber role on discord!
You will need to log into discord when the store prompts you to in order for this to take effect.

$10 per month
This package was designed for players who wish to provide support for the owners work on server beyond the ranks/perks that they may have already purchased.
As such, the minimum amount per month is $10, but you can choose to increase that value to whatever you wish.

Two Options to Buy
This is a subscription package that will renew and charge you every 30 days.
Add to Cart
This package will last for 30 days and then be removed. To renew you must manually repurchase or select Subscribe.